Symposiums 2011 About Montsec

Montsec is a calcareous mountain range more than 40 kilometres long, covering an area of 18,696 hectares divided between Aragon and Catalonia. The Catalan side covers various municipalities in the counties of Pallars Jussà and La Noguera.
The thrust and erosive power of the Noguera Pallaresa and Noguera Ribagorçana rivers have carved out and shaped the spectacular gorges of Mont-Rebei and Terradets, at the same time dividing the mountain range into three sections: running from west to east, Montsec d’Estall (in Aragon), Montsec d’Ares and Montsec de Rúbies (in Catalonia).

Official sites: : Website of Montsec Consortium. This is a public institution to implement a regional development project in this area of Catalonia. This Consortium is the owner of Parc Astronomic Montsec, so this is the organizing institution too. : Website of the Astronomical Park. This park is placed 20 km far from the Conference venue. We will use some nocturnal facilities of the Park for the observing activities.

Dark sky advisory group

Beauties of Nature

Beasts in Nature